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Central State is the original territory of the Sovereignty, which houses the Royal Palace.


A century ago, the first astral mages settled here to built a "paradise for all astral mages." Years later, twelve independent nations joined the central state to create the current Nebulis Sovereignty of the present.

Prior to the attack on Central State, several Imperial units infiltrated the Sovereignty in order to gather information. One of them reached the central state, but they weren't able to enter the palace.

When the time came, Central State was attacked by Imperial forces led by the Saint Disciples, who invaded the palace in order to capture the Queen. Though in the end they failed, they managed to capture two purebreds and make the people lose faith in their ruler.

Notable Places[]

The Lou's family villa, which was located on the outskirts of central state.

  • Sacraris Nebulica

A terminal station. The first floor of the terminal was lined with luxury stores, like the inside of a palatial department store.[1]



  1. Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World Light Novel: Volume 6 Chapter 2


List of Locations
Heavenly Empire
Cities Yunmelngen
Buildings Unseen WillPowder BaseOmenElza's Sarcophagus
Other Territories Nelka Forest
Nebulis Sovereignty
States Central StateLiesbadenAlcatroz
Buildings Planetary StrongholdHotel GregorioOrelganSnow and Sun
Unaffiliated Territories
Independent States AlsamiraOpuhna
Neutral Cities AinJurakShralba
Natural Landscapes Vishada WastelandsMudor CanyonKatalisk