KimiSen Wiki

A list of characters with speaking roles but went unnamed, or have names but not enough information for a page.

Light Novel[]

Kisasage & Warvick[]

  • Kisasage ((キササゲ)) and Warvick (ワーヴィック, Wāvikku) are members of the Planetary Domiciles, the guards of the royal family.[1]

The two are always by the queen's side, where they remain on standby, silent and indiscernible to the naked eye. Upon learning that someone was working against Sisbell, Millavair sent her two best guards set out to protect Sisbell. However, they were late by the time they arrived to Alsamira; as Sisbell was already back on the Sovereignty, making her way to the Central State.

  • It was said that the duo's Astral Power of concealment exceeded even the best optical camouflage offered by the Empire.[1] This meant that their concealment possibly exceeded Nameless's.
  • First appeared in Volume 5 or Episode 2 (Season 2).
  • Kisasage is voiced by Rie Kawamura (JP)/Marianne Bray (EN), while Warvick is voiced by Sho Fujisawa (JP)/Charles Nguyen (EN).


Tryse (トリーズ, Torīzu) is an assassin that tried to lure Alice into a trap during the attack in Liesbaden. However, the princess easily saw through her deception, as she knew all of the Queen's agents. Tryse then pulled out a handgun and shot past Alice, triggering a detonator that brought down the nearby buildings on her. But to her surprise, Alice was able to protect herself and support the weakened buildings with her ice. In the end, she was apprehended.[2]


Orneik (オルネイク) is the captain of the Hydra's intelligence unit. He is a competent guard and an excellent assassin that was employed independently by the Hydras and not the royal family. He was ordered to monitor Sisbell in the family villa, but was fatally wounded by Salinger.[3]


Minister & Vice-Minister[]

  • The Minister is voiced by Takuya Nakashima.
  • The Vice-Minister is voiced by Daisuke Kageura.

The Minister was first seen greeting the Queen of Nebulis. Sisbell later uses her astral power to replay a conversation between the minister and the vice minister.

First appeared in Episode 10.


Millavair's husband[]

He is Millavair Lou Nebulis VIII's husband and the father of her 3 daughters. According to author Kei Sazane, "He's alive and well, but he just doesn't play a significant role in the story." He lives with the queen and has his own duties and responsibilities, but she generally handles public matters while he's in the background.[4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World Light Novel: Volume 5 Chapter 1
  2. Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World Light Novel: Volume 5 Chapter 5
  3. Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World Light Novel: Volume 6 In Secret
  4. Kei Sazane's interview with the anime tourism company Mipon


List of Characters
Heavenly Empire
Unit 907 IskaMismis KlassJhin SyulargunNene Alkastone
Government Emperor YunmelngenEight Great Apostles
Saint Disciples JohaimMeiMagnacasa GunfightRisya In Empire
NamelessStatulleSir Karosos NewtonGarganly
Military MichaelaWitch Hunter Object
Others Crosswell Nes LubigateSaril VribranBeasts of KataliskKelvina Sofita Elmos
Nebulis Sovereignty
Founders NebulisNebulis I
House of Lou Millavair Lou Nebulis VIII
Elletear Lou Nebulis IXAliceliese Lou Nebulis IXSisbell Lou Nebulis IX
Rin VisposeShuvaltsKisasageWarvickMifo Meeshat
House of Zoa Growley
Kissing Zoa Nebulis IXOn Zoa Nebulis
Shanorotte Gregory
House of Hydra Talisman
Mizerhyby Hydra Nebulis IXVichyssoise Alek Hydra
Others Salinger